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Wastewater / Sewage / Effluent Treatment Solutions
Wastewater / Sewage / Effluent Treatment Solutions

Wastewater is water that has been used and contaminated and includes both domestic wastewater and industrial wastewater. Due to environmental concerns and regulatory restrictions, wastewater is not suitable for discharge into public sewers or the environment such as rivers, lakes and oceans unless it has first undergone treatment to remove certain pollutants.

Environmental regulations typically stipulate the standards to which wastewater must be treated before it is permitted to be discharged into the environment. The main pollutants in sewage and industrial wastewater include dissolved and undissolved organic and inorganic materials, suspended solids, complex chemicals and heavy metals.

Once the pollutants in the wastewater are identified, a combination of some or all of the following technologies is used:

Physical removal methods are with the use of screening, sedimentation, clarification, membrane separation to remove suspended solids;
Chemical treatment methods are with the use of various chemical to breakdown pollutants through chemical reaction, disinfection, pH adjustment and precipitation (coagulation and flocculation); and
Biological treatment methods are with the use of different micro-organisms, mostly bacteria to breakdown and remove organic wastewater contents, ammonium and nitrate contaminants such as through the activated sludge process. We can provide, Extended Aeration, SBR, MBBR and MBR processes for the reduction of Organics i.e BOD & COD:
As a by-product of biological treatment processes, sludge is produced and a sludge handling system, consisting of sludge thickeners, centrifuges and filter presses, is used to separate solid materials from liquids in the sludge slurry to form a compact sludge for disposal.
Odours are also removed through odour control facilities prior to release to the environment.